
The Soria City Council has been involved in the Soria CO2Zero Programme, set forth by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, since 2016. The aim of this programme is to reduce GHG emissions in the municipality of Soria, according to three main lines of action:

  1. Fuel-switching: fossil fuel boilers in municipal facilities are progressively removed from operation and replaced by biomass heating from a biomass boiler, or the district network, but preferably from an energy service company.
  2. Fleet change: replacing combustion engine vehicles for electric ones.
  3. Promotion of waste sorting: by means of a programme established by the City Council, with the aim of incrementing the capacity and ability to deal with certain types of waste more efficiently. For example, paper and cardboard recycling, transforming waste vegetable oils into biodiesel, construction with reclaimed wood, and textile repurposing. By optimizing source-segregation in waste treatment plants, we can reduce GHG emissions in landfills, and generate a high-value product such as biodiesel, a clean substitute for petroleum-based diesel.

In 2016, the project for energy management in public buildings was set in motion, including the City Council (leader in this initiative), Palace of Audiencia Cultural Centre, the Centre for Social Action, the local police station, the fire station, the Youth Club, the Children’s Environmental Fair, La Presentación Educational Centre, the Visitors Reception Centre, Bécquer Civic Centre, Gaya Nuño Centre, the Municipal Archives, and Los Pajaritos Stadium. In addition, during 2019 they began incorporating all municipal sports centres to the biomass heat network. These include: Ángel Tejedor, Los Pajaritos, Fuente del Rey, San Andrés, Las Pedrizas, Piscina del Castillo and La Juventud.

The Council's efforts have extended to all public services buildings, which are being audited with advanced diagnostic tools with the purpose of reducing noise pollution and improving accessibility.
